How You Can Help
While the Blue Whale is still swimming freely in the oceans there is still much that can be done to help protect these beautiful creatures and save them from extinction! There are a number of organizations that work to help conserve endangered whales and look for individuals to contribute to their work and help make a change. There are also a variety of ways in which you can take action and help increase the awareness of this endangered species.
The loudest animal in the world needs your voice

Take Action Through Organizations!
Help save Blue Whales from dangerous ship strikes by voicing your opinion
As endangered Blue Whales are struck and killed by commercial ships off the coast of California there is a simple solution to this problem. While the Navy has refused, the Navy water could be opened up to commercial shipping traffic (Save Biogems, 2015). The Great Whale Conservancy and other groups are taking this idea to President Obama asking him to protect our exceptional Blue Whales. To help take part in this fight for change, please visit https://secure.nrdconline.org/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=3029 and voice your opinion.
Stop the Entanglement of Whales in Fishing Gear
Many fishermen and their representatives are resistant to changes since they cost money. Developing fishing and trap lines sink to the bottom of the sea and don’t tangle so easily, helping to reduce the entanglement of many whales. We need to limit destructive fishing practices such as trawling in the primary whale feeding grounds and take steps to make this change. To help contribute to this call for action visit http://www.choircoalition.org and see what you as an individual can do (What Can We Do To Help The Whales? , 2012).
This message will be sent to Ray Mabus, Secretary of the Navy, Commandant Admiral Robert J. Papp Jr., U.S. Coast Guard, Dr. Kathy Sullivan, Acting Administrator, NOAA Ms. Nancy Sutley, Chair, and White House Council on Environmental Quality (Save Biogems, 2015).
Stop the Practice of "Scientific" Whaling
Today Japan kills about 1000 endangered whales every year under the scam of doing "research" on them. Whales are being slaughtered yearly, and now is the time to speak up (What Can We Do To Help The Whales?, 2012). Currently there are many groups engaged in these actions, and they can use support from individuals. The links below will take you to organizations where you can donate or act now in an attempt to make a change (What Can We Do To Help The Whales?, 2012).
Click on the links to stop the practice of "scientific" whaling!
Natural Resource Defense Council: http://www.nrdc.org
International Fund for Animal Welfare: http://www.ifaw.org/united-states
Ocean Alliance: http://www.whale.org
Oceana: http://oceana.org
North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium: http://www.narwc.org
Take Action as an Individual
Educate Your Community
Many people are simply unaware of the current issues that face many endangered species today. In order to protect these species it is our responsibility to educate the community and make people aware of the issue that surrounds them. Ways to do this include posting information on social media and teaching your peers about the concerns regarding Blue Whales. You can also attend town council meetings bringing up the issue to your local community as well as creating a club at school to get students involved in the awareness of endangered species, specifically the Blue Whale.
Did You Know?
Currently, 2,000 whales are still being killed yearly, despite the international laws and commissions we have put in place to protect them (Whaling, 2015)
Share Your Thoughts
If you are passionate and willing to share your opinion and thoughts about this issue don’t be afraid to speak up. Share your thoughts with government officials, the United Nations, and organizations working to protect this endangered animal. Create petitions and demonstrate your new knowledge regarding this profound issue. Change can’t be made unless there are individuals who are willing to step up and have their voice heard.
Don’t be hesitant, act now!